Near one third of Irish people have not recieved any form of sex education at school.
Nearly a third of Irish people have not received any form of sexual
health education in secondary school, a new survey has revealed.
global average of those who did not receive sexual health education in
school stands at 22 per cent, but in Ireland that figure rises to 30 per
cent, according to the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey.
The survey of 29,994 adults in 36 countries was carried out as part of National Condom Week by Harris Interactive.
It shows that 55 per cent of 18-year-olds will leave Irish secondary
level with some formal sexual health education but an additional 15 per
cent of people said they cannot remember their school's attempt at sex
Nearly half of all survey participants said their friends are a major
source of sexual education, with books, magazines and mainstream
television all ranking more informative than school.
The survey also revealed the average number of sexual partners for men
was 17 while the women surveyed said they had eight different partners
on average.
National Condom week, which kicks off today and concludes on October
21st, aims to promote safe and well-informed sex, according to brand
manager for Durex Ireland Hazel Roche.
“National Condom Week gives us the chance to ensure safer sex is at the
forefront of everyone's minds. By partnering with the [Dublin Aids
Alliance] and [Union of Students in Ireland] we want to raise the
awareness of the value of good sexual health education, and the
importance of safer sex,” she said.
“It is vital that we educate our nation because a condom can quite literally be a lifesaver.”
Throughout the week, over 30,000 condoms and information cards will be handed out by the Dublin Aids Alliance.
“This is our ninth year supporting Durex with National Condom Week and
we did not hesitate to commit our time and energy again,” DAA’s
coordinator for prevention education and training Susan Donlon said.
“We are thrilled that this year Durex has supplied us with 30,000
condoms to distribute to communities throughout Ireland, including young
people and at risk groups.”
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