Christian Institute may hope to provoke an outcry about sex education
from frightened parents. But there is no cause for alarm

A year 6 sex education class. Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian The report by the Christian Institute, which tries to raise concerns – and headlines – about sex and relationships education (SRE) in primary schools, is particularly worried about "explicit" materials that it says may become more widespread if a campaign for compulsory SRE in schools succeeds.
If I wasn't working in SRE, and if I had a child of primary school age, and if I were to read this report without any critical viewing whatsoever, then I'd probably be a little scared and worried about what my child might be taught.
The report repeatedly refers to sex education rather than sex and relationships education, and it cherrypicks examples from resources that refer to sexual body parts and sexual acts.
What it ignores is that sexual anatomy and descriptions of sexual acts are only a very small part of a broad and comprehensive SRE programme, especially at primary school age.
Children need to know how their bodies work; that touching, for example, the clitoris can feel nice; that some touching is appropriate and some isn't; that adults have sex and what that means; that some people love people of the same sex. A good SRE programme might include this material in primary school (at the appropriate age), but it certainly would not include only this.
Just as sex is about much more than just the mechanics of the sexual experience, so sex education is not just about teaching the mechanics. Take a look at this fantastic online curriculum planner from the (maligned in the report) Sex Education Forum .
You can see that the recommended curriculum for primary school is more about relationships with family and friends, body changes, feelings, emotions, keeping safe, life cycles, gender and asking for help. I think most parents would agree that this is all pretty reasonable.
Age and cultural appropriateness is key in SRE. The work I do is mainly aimed at over-14s and there is no way on earth I would want my materials to be used for primary school kids. No sex educator wants to upset parents, teachers or children. And there is simply no point in teaching stuff that is going over kids' heads.
Teachers know what level of understanding their pupils are at and they are often the best judge of what materials are appropriate. They use their professional judgment now, and, even if SRE does become compulsory, they will do so in the future. The resources recommended by local authorities and the Sex Education Forum are just that, recommendations.
The Christian Institute report advises parents to contact schools to find out what is being taught and what materials are being used. This I agree with wholeheartedly. Schools can and should work with parents around SRE.
Parents should know what is going into a curriculum and should be able to look at the materials used. They could be loaned materials to back up what is being taught in school. They could even be offered training about how to talk to their kids about sex.
A year 6 sex education class. Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian The report by the Christian Institute, which tries to raise concerns – and headlines – about sex and relationships education (SRE) in primary schools, is particularly worried about "explicit" materials that it says may become more widespread if a campaign for compulsory SRE in schools succeeds.
If I wasn't working in SRE, and if I had a child of primary school age, and if I were to read this report without any critical viewing whatsoever, then I'd probably be a little scared and worried about what my child might be taught.
The report repeatedly refers to sex education rather than sex and relationships education, and it cherrypicks examples from resources that refer to sexual body parts and sexual acts.
What it ignores is that sexual anatomy and descriptions of sexual acts are only a very small part of a broad and comprehensive SRE programme, especially at primary school age.
Children need to know how their bodies work; that touching, for example, the clitoris can feel nice; that some touching is appropriate and some isn't; that adults have sex and what that means; that some people love people of the same sex. A good SRE programme might include this material in primary school (at the appropriate age), but it certainly would not include only this.
Just as sex is about much more than just the mechanics of the sexual experience, so sex education is not just about teaching the mechanics. Take a look at this fantastic online curriculum planner from the (maligned in the report) Sex Education Forum .
You can see that the recommended curriculum for primary school is more about relationships with family and friends, body changes, feelings, emotions, keeping safe, life cycles, gender and asking for help. I think most parents would agree that this is all pretty reasonable.
Age and cultural appropriateness is key in SRE. The work I do is mainly aimed at over-14s and there is no way on earth I would want my materials to be used for primary school kids. No sex educator wants to upset parents, teachers or children. And there is simply no point in teaching stuff that is going over kids' heads.
Teachers know what level of understanding their pupils are at and they are often the best judge of what materials are appropriate. They use their professional judgment now, and, even if SRE does become compulsory, they will do so in the future. The resources recommended by local authorities and the Sex Education Forum are just that, recommendations.
The Christian Institute report advises parents to contact schools to find out what is being taught and what materials are being used. This I agree with wholeheartedly. Schools can and should work with parents around SRE.
Parents should know what is going into a curriculum and should be able to look at the materials used. They could be loaned materials to back up what is being taught in school. They could even be offered training about how to talk to their kids about sex.
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